
Welcome to the blog for the Nursery at St Mary's College Blackburn

To contact us ring 01254 586996

We are open Monday to Friday 7.30am
to 6.00pm

Thursday 19 March 2015

Calling all Parents...

If you would like to contribute to your Child's Learning Journey, please send photographs and/or information of any 'WOW' moments in your child's development or any special experiences they have had - such as 'baking, days out, family parties/ celebrations, pictures of special people in their life, pets, favourite toys...' the list is endless....
If you send them to the nursery email- d.bickham@stmarysblackburn.ac.uk   and we will print these out and pass onto the correct keyworker, for them to celebrate
 at group time and then place into their Learning Journey. 
Thank you in Advance and we look forward to sharing all of these special moments...