
Welcome to the blog for the Nursery at St Mary's College Blackburn

To contact us ring 01254 586996

We are open Monday to Friday 7.30am
to 6.00pm

Wednesday 16 March 2016

TALKING TABLES! - with added worms...

You might of noticed that when we posted the previous pictures of  'Talking Tables', There were only girls participating....
The Inventors team  noticed this and noticed that each time they did this activity, the boys did not wish to join in.
So they brought a bit of the outdoors in-  WORMS!
As you can see from the pictures below, it worked!!
If you have any other ideas, please let us know... 

Thursday 3 March 2016

Fun in the Snow...

Busy sweeping the snow and making footprints... 
Using spray bottles filled with food colouring and water 
"Wow it looks like a rainbow"

Experimenting with colours... 

Talking Tables...

'Talking Tables'

‘Talking Table’ resulted from work carried out by Fleur Griffiths, a former Educational Psychologist, to improve speaking and listening skills in young children by modelling conversational principles with small groups of children.

How does it work?

An adult sits at a table and welcomes children to come and sit with her.
The table top can be covered in a variety of ways; paper, textured fabric, corrugated card or shiny paper. Pens, crayons or felt tips are placed on the table.
Various props can be put on the table that will interest and stimulate young children.
The adult can start off interaction by handling one of the props and drawing whilst talking.

We have had some fantastic outcomes from our ‘Talking Table’ with lots of imaginative storytelling, as well as exciting and interesting conversations about various objects/ events. Even children who are reluctant speakers have engaged in conversation during  a 'taking table' activity. 


Tuesday 1 March 2016

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Thank you in advance