
Welcome to the blog for the Nursery at St Mary's College Blackburn

To contact us ring 01254 586996

We are open Monday to Friday 7.30am
to 6.00pm

Friday 20 January 2017

The babies are Playing and Exploring in the Sensory Room...

 Volcano Fun!

The children helped to build a volcano by covering a plastic water bottle with play dough, they then filled the bottle with bicarbonate of soda and added food colouring and white vinegar and observed what happened next... 

" Lava burns"

"Fire is coming out"

"it's red, it looks like blood"
"it's gonna run over and onto the floor"


Learning about Gravity 

To begin to understand How? and Why? questions.... 

The children wet their faces leaning over a table (and watched how the water dripped off their faces)
The children wet their faces again observed what happened to the water when laying down (rolled down their faces by their ears)
This was such a fun way to learn about gravity and find the answers out for themselves...

The Topic in Inventors is Space and the World 

This activity was to encourage children to question why things happen... Staff began the activity and talked about the earth and the moon surface. The children dropped the stones from a height into the flour and watched how this created 'dust' and discussed. 

This weeks provocation was a hidden egg in the outdoor play area.....
Wow, this caused SO much creative thinking and discussion with the children! Here are just a few of the comments the children made.... 

" There's a chicken inside, a baby one    "

" Maybe it's a baby dinosaur"

"we need to make a nest"

"lets crack it and get the baby chicken out" 

Learning through Play... 

At first glance this might just look like the children are 'making a mess' but if you look carefully, the children are exploring and practicing writing their names in the foam, but most importantly they are having fun! 

Wednesday 11 January 2017

School Admissions

If your child is starting school this September, please note the deadline for applications is FRIDAY 13th January 

If any parents/carers of family members would like to 'stay and play' or have any special skills or interests which they would like to share with us, then please speak to a member of the team. 

Examples of activities you could do with the children include; baking, playing football, reading stories, dressing up etc. 

Wednesday 4 January 2017

Image result for new year 2017

Wishing all our families a Happy New Year! 
x x x