
Welcome to the blog for the Nursery at St Mary's College Blackburn

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We are open Monday to Friday 7.30am
to 6.00pm

Monday 3 April 2017

Inventors children using different materials such as rice, pasta, lentils to create musical instruments...  

Floating and Sinking Experiment... 

The children were very excited during this activity. They collected things from around the room and were making predictions about whether they thought they were going to float or sink. There were some things that we thought would sink that actually floated and vise versa. This activity encouraged lots of descriptive language and encouraged the children to make predictions.  

You could continue this activity at home by choosing objects to test in the bath... 

Image result for child care choices

This website - Childcare Choices - sets out all current and upcoming Government childcare offers and support available to parents, including the Tax-Free Childcare scheme and 30 hours, the 15 free hours, tax credits, Universal Credit and childcare vouchers.


If you require any further information please call into the office