
Welcome to the blog for the Nursery at St Mary's College Blackburn

To contact us ring 01254 586996

We are open Monday to Friday 7.30am
to 6.00pm

Thursday 31 May 2018

Goodbye and Good Luck

Jade and Becks are leaving us for pastures new ... We wish them all the very best for the future -
We will miss you both  x x

Their last day will be Friday 22nd June 2018.

Tuesday 29 May 2018


we have joined in with the latest craze...All you need to do to join in is paint a rock, write #SMNRocks and your child's name on the back, take a photo, upload it to the Facebook group #SMNRocks. Hide the rock and make someone smile when they find it. Hopefully they will upload a photo of where they have found it. They can either keep the rock or re-hide it for someone else to find.https://www.facebook.com/ST-Marys-Nursery-Rocks-1627492794037488/

Friday 25 May 2018


Literacy: Reading

•Enjoys looking at books and other printed material with familiar people. (Birth-11 Months)
•Handles books and printed material with interest. (8-20 Months)
• Interested in books and rhymes and may have favourites. (16-26 Months)

what adults could do

•Use finger play, rhymes and familiar songs from home to support young babies’ enjoyment.
•Notice and support babies’ developing responses as they learn to anticipate and join in with finger and word play.
•Encourage and support children’s responses to picture books and stories you read with them. 
•Use different voices to tell stories and encourage young children to join in wherever possible. 

what adults could provide

•Collect a range of board books, cloth books and stories to share with young babies.
•Let children handle books and draw their attention to pictures. 
•Tell, as well as read, stories, looking at and interacting with young babies. 
•Make family books using small photo albums with photos of family members, significant people in the child’s life, familiar everyday objects.
•Provide CDs of rhymes, stories, sounds and spoken words. 
•Provide picture books, books with flaps or hidden words, books with accompanying CDs and story sacks. 
•Provide story sacks for parents to take them home to encourage use of books and talk about stories. 


St Mary’s Nurseries are part of St Mary’s 6th Form College, the registered office address is St Mary’s College, Shear Brow, Blackburn. BB1 8DX. The College is committed to protecting the privacy and security of your personal information.
This privacy notice describes how the Nurseries collect and use personal information about children attending the Nurseries (“Child” or “Children”) and the parents of the Children (“Parents”) (known collectively as “You” or “Your”), in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). 
Below is a flowchart showing the overview of child data collection and storage. 
For more information please download the 'ourschools app' or alternatively find it displayed in the nursery entrance. 

Wednesday 23 May 2018

Leaf sensory writing tray

Hears and says the initial sound in words.(40-60 months+)

Physical Development: Moving and Handling
Begins to form recognisable letters.(40-60 months+)


Obstacle course

Active learning (motivation)

-Being Involved and concentrating
-Keeping on trying
-Enjoying achieving what they set out to do

What adults can do to support this...
  • support children to choose their activities-what they want to do and how they will do it
  • stimulate children's interest through shared attention, and calm over-stimulated children 
  • Help children to become aware of their own goals, make plans, and to review their own progress and successes. Describe what you see them trying to do, and encourage children to talk about their own processes and successes
  • Be specific when you praise, especially noting effort such as how the child concentrates, tries different approaches, persists, solves problems, and has new ideas. 
  • Encourage children to learn together and from each other. 
  • Children develop their own motivations when you give reasons and talk about learning, rather than just directing.

What adults could provide...
  • Children will become more deeply involved when you provide something that is new and unusual for them to explore, especially when it is linked to their interests. 
  • Notice what arouses children’s curiosity, looking for signs of deep involvement to identify learning that is intrinsically motivated. 
  • Ensure children have time and freedom to become deeply involved in activities.
  • Children can maintain focus on things that interest them over a period of time. Help them to keep ideas in mind by talking over photographs of their previous activities.
  • Keep significant activities out instead of routinely tidying them away. 
  • Make space and time for all children to contribute
(Taken from the EYFS)