
Welcome to the blog for the Nursery at St Mary's College Blackburn

To contact us ring 01254 586996

We are open Monday to Friday 7.30am
to 6.00pm

Monday 30 September 2019

Dates for October....

Image result for quote october

Healthy Me Message - Walking is good for us, let's go for a walk in the woods 

Safety Message - Safety around the home - We will be incorporating this message into our play at nursery this month. Here is a useful link... 

w/c 07/10/19 - Stay and Play... If you would like to 'stay and play' with your child at nursery, please to to a member of the team to arrange this. 

Home Challenge - Can you make a Den? 

Image result for homemade childrens den

Please make a den with your child at home and bring in a picture or email it to us...  d.bickham@stmarysblackburn.ac.uk 

Halloween - Thursday 31st October -  Halloween Fun... If your child would like to come dressed in halloween fancy dress, they can. Dawn will be creating us a spooky themed party lunch on this day...  xxx

 Image result for halloween party food

We love this.... x x x

Did you know....?

The starting point for all writing skills is Physical Development.

· In order to become successful writers children need lots of opportunities to develop their motor skills. Motor skills are motions carried out when the brain, nervous system and muscles work together. Children need to build their Gross motor skills in order to develop their Fine Motor skills. 

Children’s muscles need to be developed in the following order for them to become successful writers…….

· 1. Shoulder Muscles, examples of activities we carry out in Nursery are : Crawling, den building, parachute games, gardening (digging), PE sessions, climbing, self dressing, paint brush with bucket of water making large marks outside, drumming etc.

· 2. Elbow Muscles, examples of activities we carry out in Nursery are: Baking, painting, bat and ball, throwing, chalking, shaking instruments, play dough (rolling), zipping up coats, stirring (baking), cars on tracks, small world activities etc.

· 3. Wrist Muscles, examples of activities we carry out in Nursery are: hand washing, cutting up fruit, turning pages in books, mark making, scooping sand, pouring water, self dressing (socks and shoes) dressing dolls, making play dough, using the computer (mouse) etc.

· 4.  Finger Muscles, examples of activities we carry out in Nursery are: Cutting, threading beads, finger puppets, fastening buttons, jigsaws, keyboard typing, magnetic letters etc.

To help your child to become successful writers provide them with activities to develop these muscles so when they start Primary School they are ready to learn to write.

Friday 27 September 2019

Potty Training

Thinking of potty training, but unsure where to start??

Image result for potty training

This is a great link for advice on potty training....

Please speak to a member of the team if you wish to potty train your child, we can help by working together! : )

Keeping children safe online....

From age-specific online safety checklists to guides on how to set parental controls on a range of devices, you’ll find a host of practical tips to help children get the most out of their digital world on the following link...


Image result for internet safetymatters.org
