
Welcome to the blog for the Nursery at St Mary's College Blackburn

To contact us ring 01254 586996

We are open Monday to Friday 7.30am
to 6.00pm

Monday, 23 October 2017


Communication & Language

•Practises and gradually develops speech sounds (babbling) to communicate with adults; says sounds like ‘baba, nono, gogo

•Starts to understand contextual clues, e.g. familiar gestures, words and sounds.

Listening & Attention
•Listens to, distinguishes and responds to intonations and sounds of voices. 
•Reacts in interaction with others by smiling, looking and moving. 
•Quietens or alerts to the sound of speech

The Baby Room love exploring books, Infants begin learning from birth. Newborns and babies learn new sounds and sights daily, and are especially keen on hearing a mother, parent, or caregiver's voice. Talking, reading, singing and cooing with your baby often can provide the comfort and stimulation she needs