The inventors have been getting 'school ready' this term. You can help at home by encouraging your child to...
- Put their own coat on
- Go to the toilet by themself and washing their hands
- Supporting them in confidently saying goodbye when being dropped off at nursery or with an adult
- Encouraging them to make friends and happily talk to other children and adults
- Share and take turns in a group
- Encouraging them to sit and listen for a short while
- Encouraging children to answer simple questions about a story
- Encourage them to tidy up after themself and look after their things
- Support children in speaking about their wants, needs and feelings.
- Follow simple instructions
- Encourage then to retell past events (something that has happened to them)
- Encourage children to feed themself and enjoy a healthy range of foods
- Encourage children to dress and undress themself aswell as putting on and taking off their shoes
- Encourage them to follow rules at home
- Share lots of stories and sing rhymes
- Encourage children to hold a pencil and make marks