
Welcome to the blog for the Nursery at St Mary's College Blackburn

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to 6.00pm

Monday 18 March 2019

Education Inspection Framework - OFSTED

In preparation for the new 'Education Inspection Framework' set to be introduced by OFSTED in September 2019, we have reviewed the recording and documentation of our 'Teaching and Learning' Programme. The new framework states 'Paperwork should not be burdensome for Early Years Practitioners'.

We have researched alternative teaching  approaches and have decided to trial 'In the Moment Planning' and 'Personalised Planning' as Ofsted inspectors will observe adult:child interactions rather than wanting to see reams and reams of paperwork.
Every child will receive extensions to learning 'In the moment' as and when they arise. These will be evident in your child's Learning Journey, Pre school profile and the 'Nursery life week by week' floor book.

If you would like further information about these exciting changes please speak to a member of the team.

Here is an example from last week. Many more to follow..... 

Shows interest in a book and passes book to a practitioner. They read story, look at pictures, sing songs relating to pages - such as ' there's a worm at the bottom of the garden'.
Invitation to learning

Next - 'Let's see if we can find some real bugs in the garden'.. 

Which then led onto the children jumping in muddy puddles together. Happy little Discoverers...