
Welcome to the blog for the Nursery at St Mary's College Blackburn

To contact us ring 01254 586996

We are open Monday to Friday 7.30am
to 6.00pm

Friday, 7 February 2020

Ofsted Report

Here is a link to our most recent ofsted report... We are very proud of all the team, who work incredibly hard. Thankyou to all the parents who spoke to the inspector on the day as well.

Any questions, please do not hesitate to ask...


"Children thrive in this exceptionally warm, welcoming and fully inclusive setting. Their behaviour throughout the nursery is exemplary. Children develop respect for each other. They are kind and considerate and form firm friendships. Children are confident and show very high levels of concentration and perseverance in the array of rich learning opportunities provided. They are exceedingly happy and secure, demonstrating that they are highly enthusiastic learners who are confident and self-assured. Children are frequently fully immersed in their learning. For example, older children create a Christmas tree in the construction area. They work collaboratively with their friends as they test their ideas and theories. They negotiate how to stack large reels on top of each other to create a tree shape. They skilfully use scissors to cut tape to scaffold the structure and excitedly decorate it with baubles and tinsel.
 Staff are extremely kind and caring and build excellent bonds with children. The key-person system is highly effective and children's emotional well-being is paramount. Staff are good role models and support each child effectively, taking into account their individual needs. Staff have high expectations of children and use precise information to plan activities that truly reflect children's interests and abilities. Children's self-care and independence skills are nurtured wonderfully. Children serve themselves at mealtimes and follow stringent hygiene procedures. They relish the responsibilities they are given as they eagerly help staff, who acknowledge their contributions with an abundance of praise and encouragement."

OFSTED December 2019