
Welcome to the blog for the Nursery at St Mary's College Blackburn

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to 6.00pm

Tuesday 19 June 2018

Group Time Den Building

 For group time this week Sarah's group did den building outdoors.  The process of building a den is just as important as the play once the den is complete. Den building includes many cross curricular skills including communication, problem solving, physical development and fundamental mathematical and scientific skills as well as inspiring imaginative play. Children enjoy interacting with youngsters of different ages as well as adults, developing their social skills all the time as they work together to create their unique fortress. Relationships are built as dens, castles and hidden houses become the focus of imaginative and ‘secret’ play, where children develop their own languages and scenarios. Once their den is built, it becomes somewhere they make the rules. A sense of ownership and decision-making supports children’s confidence levels and sense of independence.