The children had lots of fun decorating a tree branch we found on the field, we provided various loose parts such as pegs, Scissors, ribbon, leaves, beads and much more, the children worked together to decorate the tree practicing their fine motor skills.
Development of their fine motor skills to help with their Pre-writing skills.
The children had lots of fun decorating a tree branch we found on the field, we provided various loose parts such as pegs, ribbon, leaves, beads and much more, the children worked together to decorate the tree practicing their fine motor skills.
•Maintaining focus on their activity for a period of time
•Showing high levels of energy, fascination
•Being proud of how they accomplished something – not just
the end result
•Thinking of ideas
•Seeking challenge
•Showing a ‘can do’ attitude
PSE- Making relationships
•Can play in a group, extending and elaborating play ideas,
e.g. building up a role-play activity with other children.
PSE- Self-confidence and self-awareness
PSE- Managing feeling an behavior
•Begins to accept the needs of others and can take turns and
share resources, sometimes with support from others
Communication an language - speaking
•Uses language as a powerful means of widening contacts,
sharing feelings, experiences and thoughts
What activities can help improve writing readiness (pre-writing) skills?
- Threading and lacing with a variety of sized laces.
- Play-doh (playdough) activities that may involve rolling with hands or a rolling pin, hiding objects such as coins in the play dough or just creative construction.
- Scissor projects that may involve cutting out geometric shapes to then paste them together to make pictures such as robots, trains or houses.
- Tongs to pick up objects.
- Drawing or writing on a vertical surface.
- Every day activities that require finger strength such as opening containers and jars.
- Pre writing shapes: Practice drawing the pre-writing shapes
- Finger games/songs: that practice specific finger movements such as Incy wincy Spider.
- Craft: Make things using old boxes, egg cartons, wool, paper and sticky or masking tape.
- Construction: Building with duplo, lego, mobilo or other construction toys.