
Welcome to the blog for the Nursery at St Mary's College Blackburn

To contact us ring 01254 586996

We are open Monday to Friday 7.30am
to 6.00pm

Friday 25 September 2020

Updated risk assessment for SMN


Risk Assessment


September 2020

These guidelines are based on Public Health England and Department for Education guidance for educational settings and their key workers.


The fundamental principle of this guidance is to ensure physical distancing between identified groups and to implement good hygiene practices. The design of settings as relatively small communities with subdivided rooms, this greatly assists our ability to create physical distance between groups and cluster children into specific cohorts or ‘groups’.



Areas for Consideration




        Only children who are symptom free or have completed the required isolation period will attend the setting.

        Questionnaire for parents of children returning after sickness

        Parents of children who attend 2 settings (including a child minder) will be asked to choose 1 setting only during this period of time.

        Temperatures will be taken if a child becomes ill

        Children or family members who have been identified and ‘Clinically Vulnerable’ should not return to nursery at this moment in time.



Physical Distancing/grouping

        From July 20 setting were “no longer required to keep children in small consistent groups within the setting but could return to normal group sizes”

        Children are organised into separate rooms relating to age group. Wherever possible these small groups or will not mix during the day

         Care routines including provision of meals, nappy changing and toileting is be within the space allocated to each ‘bubble’

         The use of communal internal spaces is restricted,( dining room, hallway, quiet room)

         Outdoor spaces are used by different ‘groups’ at different times of the day.

         Distancing of beds/cots should be facilitated wherever possible



Well being and education

        Children will be supported in age appropriate ways to understand the steps they can take to keep themselves safe including regular hand washing and sneezing into a tissue etc

        Children will be supported to understand the changes and challenges they may be encountering as a result of Covid-19 and staff will ensure they are aware of children’s attachments and their need for emotional support at this time





        Staff should only attend the nursery if they are symptom free, have completed the requires isolation period or achieved a negative test result.

        The temperature of staff will be taken if they become ill

        A questionnaire for staff returning to work after sickness risk assessing with regular health questionnaires for returning

        Consideration will be given to limiting the number of staff in the nursery at any one time to only those required to care for the expected occupancy levels on any given day

        Staff are required to wash their outdoor clothing every week

        Staff will wear a clean uniform every day



Physical Distancing/grouping

·         Wherever possible staff will remain with the small group of children, the ‘group’ of children who they are allocated to and not come into contact with other groups.

·         Emergency revisions to the EYFS have been implemented which provides some flexibility on ratios and qualifications to make this feasible.

·         Social distancing must be maintained during breaks. This may be achieved through a range of strategies including           

       -      staggering of breaks

-          subdivision of spaces allocated to team breaks where possible

-           the staff room has been cleared and staff are reminded to keep a 2 meters distance apart

·         Staff members should avoid physical contact with each other including handshakes, hugs etc.

·         Only 1 member of staff in the laundry at any time

·         Where possible, meetings and training sessions will be conducted through virtual conferencing




        All staff members will receive appropriate instructions and training

o   in infection control

o   the standard operating procedure 

o   risk assessments

within which they will be operating

·         Al staff are paediatric First Aid trained and competent to deal with first aid issues

·         Staff are aware of the systems of control in place that reduce the risk of spreading COVID within the setting



Designated Responsibilities

        DSL – Tracy Ellett

-          Vicky Wrigley

-          Jas Kang

-          Natalie Walker


·         SENCO – Natalie Walker



·         Deputising in the absence of Tracy Ellett

-          Natalie Walker (SNO, SENCO)

-          Jas Kang (SNO)

-          Vicky Wrigley (SNO)



Physical Distancing

        Only parents who are symptom free and or have completed the required isolation periods will be able to drop off or collect their child

        Parents should limit drop off and pick up to 1 parent per family. (same person if possible) • Only one parent allowed into the corridor to drop off pick up, 1 more parent may wait in the spacious entrance unitl the other has left. Personnel in the office may allow a parent to drop off at baby unit and another to drop off at preschool door, as long as there are no crossing on the corridor. (Distancing whilst waiting outside will be required), tape will be placed to identify 2 meters.

        Parents are expected to keep 2 meters distance from the staff if possible ( handing a baby or a distressed child over to staff will require close contact)

        Parents will not enter the office but will speak to management from the threshold of the office door/ window. (floor sign to remind staff and parents)

        Sensitive/private issues between parents and staff will be discussed within the dining room where the 2 meter distancing rule can be applied.

        Distancing floor tape at 2 meter intervals has been installed within the corridors

        Insist that parents wear a face mask when entering the building




        All parents will receive communication regarding the role they play in the safe operating procedures and measures being taken to ensure the safety of their children, themselves and others.

        A video has been shared with parents on the nursery blog, this will show the parents the measures in place for dropping off and collecting their children, it includes;

        - strict hygiene procedures that have been implemented

       - maintaining a 2 meter distance from other parents and staff

       - where the sanitising stations are situated - reminder for their children to wash their hands before entering the learning environment

       - where to put the children’s coat and spare clothed (a washable pump bag will be on their coat hook)

           A Parental Agreement to follow the COVID 19 measurements placed within the setting and at home will be

               completed by each family.

           Daily Written reports will not be given at this moment in time, verbal communication will be passed onto parents

              by staff.






        Attendance to the setting will be restricted to children and staff as far as practically possible and visitors will not be permitted to the nursery unless essential (e.g.SEND support essential building maintenance).

        Where essential visits are required these will be made outside of the usual nursery operational hours where possible.

        There are no ‘show rounds’ within the setting at the moment, prospective parents are being directed to the nursery blog to view a virtual tour and see examples of activities available to the children.




        Send support is essential for some children SSA’s will be allowed to offer this support, a risk assessment will be completed and a health questionnaire will be completed by SSA. SSA’a are required to wear face shields when supporting a child at SMN’s



Travel Associated with setting operations

        Wherever possible staff and parents should travel to the nursery alone, using their own transport

        If public transport is necessary, current guidance on the use of public transport must be followed

        Parents are encouraged to ensure they do not leave travel accessories including buggies, car seats, scooters at the setting premises

        Outings from the setting into the local community will not be carried out, only to the college field.

        Staff MUST wear face masks when traveling on public transport and in taxis.


Hygiene and Health and safety

Hand washing

        All children and staff must wash their hands upon arrival at the nursery

        Children and staff members will be encouraged to wash their hands frequently at east every 2 hours, after playing outdoors, after toileting, before eating, after wiping noses

        Staff must wash hands after placing and removing their face masks.




        Paracetamol (Calpol) will not be administered to children who are attending nursery due to its ability to reduce temperatures which is a symptom of Coronavirus.




        An enhanced cleaning schedule have been implemented that includes furniture, surfaces and children’s toys and equipment – each member of staff within each room is responsible for cleaning their play area, all soft furnishings will be washed weekly, evidence in the form of weekly cleaning schedule.

        Communal area, touch points and hand washing facilities will be cleaned and sanitised regularly throughout the day, at the end of each day and the start of each day.

        A signing/time sheets for cleaning will be displayed

       - on the corridor for (corridor, entrance, staff toilets)

       - in the children’s bathrooms

       - In the milk prep room





Waste disposal

        All waste will be disposed of in a hygienic and safe manner

        Tissues bins are located within each room and will be emptied throughout the day

        The white bin bags from the tissue bins will be placed into a larger waste bag and stored in a closed bin outside

        Children are encouraged to ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’




        All items within the setting requiring laundering will be washed in line with NHS laundry guidelines

        Items such as towels, flannels and bedding will not be shared by children



Risk assessment

        All activity will be risk assessed and due consideration given to any adaptations to usual practice. It will not limit the learning experiences of the children but resources such as malleable materials, and sand play will only be available in individual trays. Singing in groups will ONLY be carried out in the outdoors – staff will sing through continuous provision. – no loud music will be played to reduce droplet and aerosol risks.

        Straws and wind instruments have been removed.

        Most soft furnishings have been removed from the pre-school room due to the numbers of children accessing the room over the period of a week.

        This Risk Assessment will be reviewed on a daily basis in relation to operational measures, Government Guidance updates and daily occurrences.

        Each child with SEND or Health issues have a RA for their individual needs, this includes identified risks due to COVID 19

        Pregnant Employees, classed as ‘Clinically Vulnerable’ have individual RA with COVID related



Fire Evacuation

        There will be a change to the assembly points for the evacuation of the building. ‘groups’ of children and staff will remain together and not mix with other groups from the nursery.

        All ‘groups’ have access to a fire exit within their play space.




       • Government guidance is that PPE is not required for general use in early years settings to protect against COVID- 19


       • PPE will be used by the member of staff dealing with a child who becomes ill during the nursery day • PPE will

          continue to be worn as normal for nappy changing and the administration of first aid

       • A PPE box will be available within a well-ventilated isolation room (dining room) away from other children/staff in  

          the event of a child or staff member displaying symptoms of COVID 19.

       • Any PPE used for a suspected case of COVID will be placed into a yellow bag, tied and placed into another yellow bag  

          which will be stored (in the quiet room)for a minimum of 72 hours before being placed into the waste bins.




        During the closure of the nursery, Health and safety checks have been carried out in relation to regulations eg legionella checks, premises check, security etc

        Legionella check was carried out at – - SMN – 4th June 2020 (SMC Estates Team)


        A thorough clean of the nursery prior to re-opening has been carried out

            Windows will be kept open during operational hours to ensure ventilation




        Children will not be permitted to bring items from home into the setting.

        All resources required for play and learning experiences of children will be regularly washed and/or sterilised

        Equipment used by staff such as stationary, tablets etc. will be allocated to individual staff members where possible and cleaned regularly.

        Soft furnishings within the play environment will be reduced to a minimum.



Procurement and monitoring

        The nursery will ensure an adequate supply of essential supplies and contingency plans are in place to minimise the impact of any shortages of supplies.

        The nursery will not be able to operate without essential supplies required for ensuring infection control

        A monitoring system for the usage of PPE is essential and will ensure that a supply of stock is available to all who require it as and when required to meet the operational needs of the setting. When stocks are low, other options may be considered, such as the use of washable tabards. These items will be washed at a high temperature and separate to any other nursery washing.

        In the case the supply of food is interrupted, changes to the regular menus will be required, procedures will be implemented to ensure the appropriate food alternatives are sourced and normal food safety and hygiene processes are followed.( As well as Allergies)

        Deliveries for the nursery will be accepted at the back door of the building.


Responding to a suspected case of COVID19


·         In the event of a child developing suspected coronavirus symptoms whilst attending the setting, they should be collected as soon as possible and isolate at home, parents will be asked to contact 111 and request a test

·         Whilst waiting for the child to be collected they will be isolated from others in the Dining room where the window will be opened for ventilation

·         The member of staff looking after the sick child will be required to wear PPE until the child has been collected

·         The area will be thoroughly cleaned, immediately if the area cannot be left unvisited

·         The person responsible for cleaning the area will be required to wear appropriate PPE

·         In the event of a staff member developing suspected coronavirus symptoms whilst working at the nursery, they should return home immediately and isolate at home, the setting is registered as an ‘Employer of essential Workers’ to ensure a quick test result can be acquired.

·          Any staff member or child who have attended the setting can access the government testing programme through the 111 NHS helpline to confirm COVID or not.

·         If it is negative result from the COVID test, the individual may return to nursery once they are feeling well again.

·         If it is a positive result from the COVID test, advice will be sought from DfE Helpline on 0800 046 8687 and a Rapid risk assessment will be carried out to assess whether the rest of the immediate group within the setting need to isolate for 14 days, it is not necessary for all other household members they live with to self-isolate unless the child/staff starts to display signs of COVID.

·         The Education Response Team at The LA and OFSTED will be informed by the nominated individual of a positive result.

·         The nursery has a QR barcode for Track and Trace which is shared with parents, visitors and staff via a poster displayed throughout the nursery